Week 16: Chicken sitting time! Stinky little things lol! But also so stinking cute! The girls loved them and were so helpful with them as well. It was a nice little sneak peek into chicken life and I couldn't be more ready. Sometimes through this process, it's so hard to have patience. But, then I have to remember it's much easier to do it right the first time, than to rush it and spend
more time fixing it or even lose the chickens from doing it wrong.
This one I'm pretty sure sneaks out at night and plays in a rock band.
They also made their debut on my first TikTok video. Yup, I joined TikTok and actually made a couple of videos. If you want a way to embarrass your teenager, I suggest telling them you're posting TikTok videos. Check it out, screen name is TheJsFarm.
Now for the fun on our farm, we played with compost! “Mmmmm, smells so yummy,” said no one ever. But, compost means another step closer to planting. We are trying the no-til way of planting. We laid down cardboard and put the compost on top, which means it's time for planting!
Well unless a storm comes through the next night and now everything is all over the yard - that delays things a bit. I'm not all the way on this no-till train, but always willing to learn and try new things.
I'm mean allllll of this is new but any who, let’s try this again! I will let you know how the second attempt goes.
This was another fairly short week at the farm, since part of it was spent somewhere else. There was so much more done this week. We did get a lot of boxes moved down to the farm this week and shelves cleared and the boxes organized. As well as more holes covered so the critters can stay outside. On a non-farm related note but life note, we went and saw the school and had parent meetings for sports. We come from a place where there isn't a whole lot of parent involvement with/at school and here that seems to be different and it's such a refreshing thing to see. It's crazy to think about because we came from a very large place and even with the amount of people here they still had more people than I would have seen at the old school. Just another hidden blessing we have here. Jayla has volleyball tryouts are next week as well as their first scrimmage. It's very interesting to me they are starting so soon and not when the school year starts. But I'm thankful for a small town in times like these. I'm not sure I would be as comfortable with being able to participate if we were still in a big city. Wish her luck and I will update next week on the outcome. Hope you have a blessed week and thank you for following along. Don't forget to head over to IG if you want to see more pictures.