Week 4:
Do you ever find when you are trying to get something done, that just to do that one thing you have to do ten other things in the process? You start and then something breaks, or something else has to be done to get it out of the way of what your trying to do. It's honestly hard on you mentally. It’s almost like a feeling like your failing. It's a hard mental game I had to play these last couple of weeks, as well as the next couple to come. Moving and starting (not from scratch) a farm is not easy. Obviously I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but man it sure does mess with you! I have had to do a lot of mental preparation and come to an understanding that just because it's on my list to do, that there will be obstacles and it might not get done when you wanted it to. Biggest example: I wanted to learn to drive the tractor. Seems simple enough right? Nope not at all. Not the learning to drive, but even getting to a place where it's possible.
It took four weeks of being at the farm before my tractor dreams came true. So much had to be done first. First, we had to get the "living situation" ready. When we got there we found out there was a leak in the roof and the bed was wet (luckily it was recent). We needed to get the mattress dry and find the leak. I had to get on the roof and clean off all the debris, only to not find a leak! While the mattress was drying the room I'm staying in had to be cleaned out. Eight bags later it was done and the room was set up. Since there isn't trash service at the farm and you can only go to the dump on Saturday's back it came with us on the trailer. We eventually cleaned all the rooms out and made it a comfortable place to be.
Next, we had to make space to work on the tractor to get it running. Lots of outside cleaning was done even taking off and cleaning storm windows (because clean windows help tractors run). Then we got to start working on fixing the tractor. We needed to replace the fuel filter and while fixing it other parts broke. It was a fun game of fix this to break that to fix it. It comes with the territory of having an old tractor with old parts. But, I have learned a lot. I can fix a fuel filter, blead the fuel lines, change the battery cables and I learned about cold starts.
Then, the most exciting thing happened, the tractor started! Woohoo!!! I GOT to learn to drive the TRACTOR. I may have been just a little too excited, but it was great. Don't ask me how you do it, because I couldn't even tell you. My Dad said do this, this , pull that and do this and away I went. I should add that at the same time I learned to use the brush hog to bush hog ( I think those are the correct terms) at the same time. Honestly, so nice and I see why tractor therapy is a thing. ( Sorry it's not the best quality picture! )
All good things must come to end and it was back to work. Trash burning was next on the list. Lots and lots of trash (burnable trash that is). Jayla helped, I almost think she liked it too much.
sn't all work the whole time, the girls played and we got WIFI. Man you don't realize how great it is to have reception and WIFI until you don't. I rely on so much information that way, even the weather. You also are the last to find out what's going on in the world. So crazy how much you look to Facebook to tell you what is happening, especially without news to watch or a newspaper to read.
Now, for the things I learned portion:
Brush hog, I thought it was called a bush hog, I'm still confused. Are you bush hogging with a brush hog? Why aren't you brush hogging? Even that dang web of info is confusing.
Tractors are harder to drive then I thought. So many gears and then low or high and adding something to it and you have to push the clutch three different places to use things. So much thought processes, who knew.
People need to learn to put their shopping carts back or in the rack!!
The only right way to watch a movie is with a projector.
Planning a garden involves a lot of planning and correct timing.
Zones are a thing for deciding what to plant and when plant.
People use too many screws for no reason.
You need too many things to fix all the things.
Men complain about women having too many shoes, etc, but they have too many tools.
The storms in the country and amazing!
Thanks for reading, I hope you will continue to join me on this journey. I'm looking forward to getting my first garden started and then for animals!!! Until next time y'all.
P.S. Check out IG for more pictures.